Monday, November 11, 2013

Romper Zombies Review

Romper Zombies Review
When making zombie-inspired toys, there is a fine line that toy makers should tread. It should have the distinct zombie characteristics without turning off the children who you're targeting. It's a tricky thing, and one only a few managed to accomplish. Romper Zombie dolls managed to pull it off with aplomb.

Features of Romper Zombies

Kids' dolls these days come in a variety of shapes, sizes and designs. Who would've thought zombies could look actually adorable? But Romper Zombies managed to straddle that line.

Each zombie doll is 8 inches tall, and they resemble children who also happen to be zombies. The primary material used is resin which is ideal for giving more definition for their zombie features. It also means they are durable so even small, careless kids can play with them without causing any damage.

The entire collection of Romper Zombies is composed of 24 zombies and 6 zombie hunters. Each of these characters have their own names with back stories on how they turned into the walking dead.

Plans are underway about a Romper Zombies video game which you could access by breaking a code that will be included in your purchase of a doll. This will definitely be a good addition to this product.

Romper Zombies are aimed for boys aged 8 and above. However, the appeal of these zombie dolls crosses gender and age.

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Price and Guarantees

The suggested retail price of each Romper Zombie doll is $34.99 each. Although there are no formal announcements yet, it is likely that they will come with warranty against product defects.

What We Like About the Romper Zombies

You'd be impressed by how intricate and detailed the design of each Romper Zombie doll is. From the impeccable sculpting of their faces and the mottled zombie skin to the coloring of their clothes, no stones were left unturned. To make them move more like zombies, they were made with articulated arms and waists, making their zombie personas more realistic.

The addition of backstories of each character is also a master touch. It adds a bit more depth into the dolls.

What We Do Not Like the Romper Zombies

Zombies are an ‘acquired taste'. Not everyone relishes the idea of playing with dolls that look less than perfect and pretty. In fact, some kids find the concept of zombies difficult to grasp, and most even find them scary. Older kids, although they are not easy to scare, find the zombies' appearance revolting. While we do not have anything we dislike about Romper Zombies, we are also fully aware that not everyone would take to them just as easily.

Are the Romper Zombies Worth Your Money?

While it is true that $34.99 is not a low figure, the mere fact that it includes the doll and a few other add-ons makes it much more tolerable. So yes, it's absolutely worth it.

Where Can You Buy the Romper Zombies?

The Romper Zombies – all 20 – will find their way to the main website throughout the year. Currently, three zombies and one zombie hunter is already available, and can be purchased from major toy stores as well as online stores such as website.

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Customer reviews for Romper Zombies.

Customer feedback on the zombies that have been released thus far is positive. The information that it is also a tie-in to the online game is a major bonus.

>> See Customer Review Here <<

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