Many kids are terrified of spiders. Real ones, that is. However, there is a way for them to conquer this fear: play with them, or at least, with fake spiders. That's what you get with the new
Features of Attacknids
A play on the word
Attacknids will have kids playing with remote-controlled spider battle robots. It was designed by Vermont-based inventor Jamie Mantzel and developed for the market by Wow! Stuff, a toy company from the UK, as part of Combat Creatures.
These 10-inch fighting spider robots have the ability to spin 360 degrees and blast balls or disks from 10 meters away. They have been made to mimic the actual movements of real spiders.
It is aimed for children 3 years old and up, although it's a fact that adults also get a thrill out of battling using these spider robots.
Price and Guarantee
The tentative retail price of Attacknids (inclusive of remote control) when it will be released in the US is around $100. No word yet on any warranty or guarantee.
What We Liked about Attacknids
Battle games should have all the weaponry, and Attacknids don't have a shortage of these, including destroyer spheres and sniper darts. The addition of some features is also much appreciated and adds more excitement to the game. Battle Brain, for example, will have the robots automatically shutting down after sustaining three direct hits.
The interactive aspect of the game is what we loved most about Attacknids, since kids can battle each others' spider robots.
Things we did not like about the Attacknid
The biggest complaint is the price. Attacknids is, unfortunately, quite expensive, at $100. If this price is reduced when it is eventually released in the US, more people may feel more inclined to buy it for their kids and for themselves.
Is the Attacknid worth the money?
If users are willing to fork out $100, they'll find that the whole experience is very much worth every dollar spent, especially since it can be played by groups.
Where can I buy theAttacknid?
The UK and some parts of Europe have already been enjoying playing Attacknids for a while now. Currently, you can buy it online from UK website. Once it is released in the US, expect it to be available in all toy stores. have been released in the UK and parts of Europe but have yet to be released in the US. When they are Attacknids will be available at all major toy stores and from the Wow! Stuff's website. Online Store and other online retailers are also sure to stock up on it.
More customer reviews for Attacknids
Some users complained about the guns jamming during battle. Others were initially concerned about its weight, but when the whole thing was assembled, it worked like a dream. The general consensus is that Attacknids is a great product and a great game. It actually comes highly recommended for adults as well, so it's not for kids only.